
Everyone who takes an interest in a hobby starts to collect books. Some will form part of a reference library while others will have a selection of projects to try. Here are a few that I turn to regularly as my confidence grows and I try new things.

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This book seems very basic, but is really well thought out. The projects follow a realistic progression which gently builds your confidence with each project. I started with the Megan Dress and I am really pleased with the result - I only wish I'd bought nicer fabric...

The instructions are very good and she has a lovely chatty writing style.

I enjoyed this book so much, that I bought all her other books. 

I made the Stella Hoodie twice in this book with a zip and two Tabitha T-Shirts and I love them! 

Again, the projects follow a progression but they are all lovely additions to your wardrobe. She holds your hand through every step and builds your confidence to try the next, more challenging project.

I intend to add more from this book to my wardrobe for next year. If she releases another book, I will definitely buy it.

This book is actually out of print - it's THAT old. It has a wealth of information and includes standard instructions for most pattern types - so if you have a pattern without instructions, this is a really good book. 

The book includes a number  of tailoring techniques I haven't seen in any other books. The writing style is really formal and it is sometimes difficult to work out exactly what the instructions are telling you to do.

This is aimed at students studying Fashion Design, but is excellent if you want to try your hand at using your own measurements to create pattern blocks from scratch. It really digs into the science of pattern creation and modification.

The book includes advanced instructions for modifying most woman's sewing patterns, so you can also use it to modify the patterns you already have or to create something original.

This book is really aimed at people who are confident making changes and adjustments to patterns. A complete set of blocks are supplied, but a lot of manipulation of the standard blocks is needed to achieve the more technical dresses. If you are prepared to dive in - I fully recommend it - you can glean enough information to add other patterns into the mix to create even more things. I added a pair of tailored shorts into the mix and created a jumpsuit.

By Samantha Da Fonseca

This book is for keeping a record or a journal of all your makes. 

There is a measurements page, a project page and a full page for notes for each project. There are some tips in the back, too.

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